January is often a time for looking to the year ahead, making plans, and setting goals. But it is also important to look back and acknowledge the achievements of the year that has just passed. As always we love to keep our clients up to date with how things are going here at Yacht Carbon Offset, and 2022 was a great year. Keep reading to find out why!
Project Selection
Yacht Carbon Offset is continually researching new high-quality carbon reduction projects to offer to our client. All our selected projects are certified under one of four internationally recognised registries: Gold Standard; Verified Carbon Standard; UNFCCC and Plan Vivo. In 2022 Yacht Carbon Offset added six carbon reduction projects to its portfolio. Click the links to find out more:
- Cote d’Ivoire – Hydroelectric Power (Soubré)
- El Salvador – Geothermal Power (Berlin)
- India – Wind Power (Gujurat)
- India – Hydroelectric Power (Rakchad)
- Jamaica – Wind Power (Wigton)
- Costa Rica – Biomass Thermal (Puntarenas) – currently sold out
Our clients can choose which project they would like to support to complete their carbon offset transaction. Due to the nature of the carbon offsetting mechanism, virtually all carbon reduction projects are located in Developing Countries that need external financial support. The projects are primarily situated in coastal or island locations and all make an important contribution to both the global environment and to local communities in countries.
Environmental Communications & Updates
The Yacht Carbon Offset team keeps up-to-date with the latest environmental news and developments and shares this knowledge in educational articles, newsletters, social media posts and presentations. In 2022 our articles’ topics included: an introduction to our New Charter Process; explanatory articles on carbon footprint calculation and greenwashing; a summary of the 2022 IPPC Report; and a summary of the COP 27 climate change summit in Egypt. You can read any of these articles and keep up to date with all our news by visiting our website at: https://yachtcarbonoffset.com/our-news/ .
Addition of Charitable Donation Option
We are always looking for new ways to improve our service at Yacht Carbon Offset. In 2022 we began offering our clients the opportunity to donate to two international marine charities alongside their carbon offset (€1 per tonne offset): The Blue Marine Foundation and The Ocean Foundation. The response to this new development in our service has been incredible, with several thousand pounds already donated thanks to the generosity of you, our clients. We intend to extend the offer to additional charities during the year ahead: Charities We Support – Yacht Carbon Offset