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India – Hydroelectric Power (Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project)

Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project, India

google map showing location of Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project

Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project is a small-scale, run-of-river hydroelectric power plant located in the mountainous region of Himachel Pradesh, North India. It produces renewable energy by utilising hydro resources of the Satluj River and converts the potential energy of the water flow into mechanical energy using hydro turbines. The mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy by alternators, producing 5MW of power that is fed into the national electricity grid.

Benefits: Climate & Environment

Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project’s annual emission reductions are estimated to be 22,605 tonnes CO2e per year. Benefits include:

  • Reducing the electricity grid’s heavy reliance on fossil fuel-based power generation, contributing to long-term climate change benefits
  • Reducing local pollution, as hydro power is a zero-emission source
  • Limiting impact on the local environment and community (as project does not have the associated water storage often associated with reservoir-based hydro-electric projects)
  • Helping meet the increasing demand for power.

Benefits: Social & Economic

Rakchad Small Hydro Electric Project has a significant beneficial impact on the poor local communities providing significant benefits to agriculture, rural industries, and employment in the region. Benefits include:

  • Generating local employment opportunities
  • Investing in social activities and the development of sustainable small businesses
  • Improving communication and commercial activities with the road infrastructure developed around the project.

Project Verification

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The corresponding carbon credits were verified under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) by the approved third-party auditor, Det Norske Veritas.

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