Yacht Carbon Offset is proud to promote the Sea-Change Sailing Trust (SCST), a UK charity that provides accredited traditional sailing and seamanship training to disadvantaged young people and vulnerable adults. The charity is run by a small team of dedicated individuals, committed to sharing their love of the sea to better the lives of others.
SCST’s training is carried out on board its own traditional Thames sailing barge, Blue Mermaid, in the coastal waters of the Thames Estuary. The recruits live and work as crew members on the barge, learning valuable life skills needed in the wider world and workplace, centred around team-work, confidence-building and taking responsibility for their contribution and group decisions. The experience is intense and demanding yet takes place in a structured and safe environment. SCST’s approach concentrates on high quality personal support and training, with ongoing mentoring to ensure that the experience transfers into positive change in normal life.
The Blue Mermaid entered service in 2019 and comprises a steel hull and deck and all the traditional rigging and decking of a sea-going Thames barge, with basic facilities below. She is a faithful replica of the original Blue Mermaid, one of the last Thames sailing barge built in 1930, but lost during the second world war.
Blue Mermaid sails without an engine and therefore her carbon emissions are very low. Power on board is provided predominantly by solar panels. A small amount of carbon emissions are generated from propane gas consumption for cooking and a back-up generator and from petrol used in the outboard motor of the tender. Yacht Carbon Offset offsets these emissions as part of its ongoing support to SCST.
Detailed information on the Sea-Change Sailing Trust can be found on its website: www.seachangesailingtrust.org.uk
Yacht Carbon Offset invites you to support Sea-Change Sailing Trust’s fantastic work by making a financial contribution over and beyond the cost of your carbon offset transaction. Yacht Carbon Offset will facilitate the contribution and pass it on to Sea-Change Sailing Trust in its entirety, without the extraction of any commission or fee. We recommend an amount based on 10% of your carbon offset transaction (€50 minimum), but any amount will help to make a difference. Sea Change Sailing Trust is a UK Charity and can claim an additional 25% Gift Aid from the HMRC on donations from UK taxpayers.
You can discuss your TOF contribution when you place your carbon offset order, or alternatively contact us at: enquiries@yachtcarbonoffset.com