Environmental awareness is on the rise and the demand for carbon offsets is growing. This is wonderful news for the environment. However the voluntary carbon market has been under increasing pressure over the last year, which has led to a significant rise in carbon credit prices. According to S&P Global Platts, “carbon credit prices increase by 173% in 2021 to US$12.7/tonne as of Nov. 10, 2021” (Source). It is safe to assume that the COP26 discussions drove some of this price increase, as carbon offsetting is an important tool to support the energy transition. According to the S&P report “Total demand for voluntary carbon credits is expected to increase by a factor of at least 15 by 2030…”.

Yacht Carbon Offset is exposed to the price increase in the carbon credit market. We do our utmost to protect our clients from fluctuations in the carbon credit prices. We charge a flat rate per tonne of carbon regardless of the project selected to carry out the carbon offset transaction (excluding where premium projects are requested). We carry out pricing reviews on a regular basis to ensure that we can operate as a going concern. Against this backdrop, we have had to increase our prices on the 1st January 2022 to reflect the carbon market pricing increase.
Our current pricing is kept up to date on our website: Our Pricing – Yacht Carbon Offset. We publish our pricing on a per litre basis and also on a comparative basis against other carbon offset service providers. We pride ourselves on providing a high quality, personal service as well as keeping our pricing highly competitive.