Yacht Carbon Offset is pleased to be a part of the MYBA Charter Show’s commitment to counterbalance its greenhouse gas emissions. Using our own in-house calculator we have estimated that the event’s key emissions sources will generate a total of 163 tonnes CO2e greenhouse gas emissions. These sources include the show’s power consumption and a 25,000 litre allowance for the fuel consumption of the exhibiting yachts and the show’s water taxi. Additionally we have included the flight footprint of MYBA’s organising team, which has flown over 8,330 passenger kilometres to organise and put on the show.
“We are very excited that the MYBA Charter Show is back after a two-year absence”, says Coralyn Tracey, MYBA’s Executive Officer. “The carbon offset of the show’s key emission sources is one of a number of important actions we are implementing to stage a more environmentally friendly MYBA Show. Our goal is to collaboratively ensure that the event is exceptional”.
We have offset the estimated greenhouse gas emissions using one of our carefully selected, high-quality carbon reduction projects – the Gujurat Wind Power Project in India. as detailed on our website. All our selected projects are validated by one of four International Carbon Registries. Our process is certified to ISO 9001 by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) to give our clients full confidence in the validity of our service.
Yacht Carbon Offset offers tailored solutions to carbon offset annual cruising, charter, business or lifestyle activities. To find out more contact us today at sales@yachtcarbonoffset.com .